Auric Colours And You
Brilliant Red
Needful always is the brilliant red. From morning until one meets the night again strength must be found to encourage. The power of action comes from feelings prominent behind all that has to be a part of every day. No one but the self must muster the body's power of action by being stimulated by strength coming from the use of strength of character. The purpose is in the doing of everything that will make one a useful asset to the family and all that is concerned with the self.
To add this stimulating colour of bright red, the active use of strength is offered when distress or danger is not too far away. It is essential that today this colour is present and can be called upon at any given moment for coping with every minute detail.
Sincerity, an azure blue, is an able partner ever ready to work with strength of mind to do the best one can under all circumstances, and be ready at a moment's notice to put both colours to work to fulfil the necessary details needed for a comfortable life.
Turning evil into good
Adding to these two persuasive colours the pink of peace can show strongly to keep the two active and purposeful, especially in a crisis when one can call on no one but the self. This is when the soul can be most important - able to come instantly to the forefront to give its power the possibility to work the miracle of turning that which might be evil against the self to the good of supporting the self and turning tears into the sunshine of love.
Anyone with this bright colour emanating from the aura points to the overcoming of fear and the positive recognition of confidence, a very necessary power that cannot come should one fail to see danger signals and think the brain can manage without the full help this colour can give.
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