Auric Colours And You

Rose Red

Tolerance does not excuse evil doing; neither is it closing the eye to what other people are doing. Understanding oneself and keeping a quiet mind, the brain will not react. Strength of character comes when one does not disturb the feelings that build the subconscious mind and point to one's full possession of what one wishes to do character-wise.

Such a word may not be in the dictionary but as yet is very meaningful to the self, in as much as it bespeaks of one's efforts and blesses what comes from them. Without effort there can be no blessing and without using tolerance there can be no powerful colour! To sit and sympathize one may feel is enough, but there is nothing to reach and nothing to feel that will uplift either the self or anyone else.

Tolerance has a power that adds to the self a coverage, for no one can point the finger and say that they had interfered. When someone is drowning one does not just talk about it but will naturally jump in the water and save, or throw a lifebelt or some other piece of life saving equipment if available. Other mishaps could cause one to be active to save life, but one does not query as to why the danger was there or how much is said to praise the self, or to detract from what is felt by the victim; their will is their own and the rescuer should honour that will, for it is not a blessing to save life and then to blame the victim when weighing up the circumstances as to how or why the incident came about.

Waiting for apologetic words is a waste of time

Much of this paper may appear negative, but is in fact far more positive than one who wishes to start a wordy sequence that may give pain. Waiting for apologetic words is a waste of time, giving nothing to the inner self when wanting to pacify the self.

Tolerance is a supportive colour that love must have to add the light so necessary to life, that is housed in the soul and from there is a protective to the love one might wish to build up to make the soul the powerful protector it is, not only when asleep shows it more fully but also during the day when feelings are more beneficial to the self or a burden for oneself or someone else to carry.

The Teacher who came to advise mankind could not do so because he spoke only in parables according to life itself; but this has since his death been countermanded, as Paul set the way for women because of being let down by a woman who loved him but knew of his changing attitude. Because of his emotional background and his assiduous reaction to truth he made himself and John conquerors of truth and remained so with Baal as the God which Elijah showed up as worthless. The God of love lost when being put down by Paul along with all the good anywhere it was practised, which had to die to save those Romans that now in reincarnation repeat their protection of the Sacrifice that made it easy for Paul to use what he could and crush all goodness, and in this way tolerance - one of the main properties of a blessed nature - is very rarely used.

Men gladly followed the God of war

People who shout to save a murderer from justice may have often in the past injured or killed in their own time. By shouting they appear to feel they have no hidden conditions to expiate, but truth is known since the world began and through that which was hidden and Paul was used he blinded the eyes of many and made himself the master for all time. Men gladly followed the God of war yet did not learn to love, and only violence and death has come from it that has blazed a trail from century to century that is organising the lack of love and the loss of blessing that could have come from it. This is causing the darkened atmosphere from which the weather conditions will bring further deaths than so far, that have been from all the wars that have happened on the earth, in which religion has been the basic cause of violence and death.

This might be refuted but no doubt could be checked, each death apart from religious wrongdoing has been painful in the extreme and could not be stopped as the fear invoked by the Bible brought ignorance of the truth and the protection of the God of Moses.

It is now that full proof must be found and through the help of tolerance clean the atmosphere of the dark and its pain.

© Gladys Franklin, January 2000

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