- Tips For A Happy Day -

Tip no.1:

Beliefs have waylaid, and because one can so easily lean on a belief instead of backing life with love, light is not able to play its part as it might do. It is necessary to personally seek; the personal self then comes into play and light becomes a natural asset, covering personal abilities with power.

Tip no.2:

Blossom in spring appears to bring everything, the heart made glad by its beauty, but far more can be said of the soul that can save life and promise much bounty.

Tip no.3:

Both the good and evil in men should return from whence it came, but very often good people upon the earth stand in between, suffering setbacks as evil strikes at them instead of allowing evil to return to the source of its commencement.

Tip no.4:

Bright as the morning star is the soul of those who feel for their neighbour, the soul full of light from the feeling that care brings the miracles that no one should be without, but love to share.

Tip no.5:

By learning in one's sleep one can quickly pick up on how to proceed in a new job, the soul understands.

Tip no.6:

Carrying responsibility for all actions gives of its own protection, providing the subconscious mind holds no rebellion against authority.

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