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About Us
These pages will provide you with more information about our approach to life, our organisation, our founder and members.
You can access the pages here: About Us.
Contact Us
This entry provides different forms to contact us.
To contact us you can also use this link: Contact Us.
Online Course
You will find there general information about the lessons we offer; any member of the public interested may download the first lesson for a trial and later register.
You can access the page here: Our Lessons.
Our Books
This is where you will find the information about the books of Gladys which are available to the public.
You can access the page here: Books by Gladys Franklin.
Students Login
Exclusive part of the site for our students, which provides the lessons and more.
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Food For The Soul
These pages contain various texts and other writings prepared by Gladys in her last year of life especially for this website. They are changed with new texts every week on a six month basis.
For a New Day
These are short texts or sentences for daily inspiration. There are 6 new Tips, 4 new Gems and 3 new Snippets every week.
Solid Food
These three series of texts have been simply classified by length; three new texts every week.
The Aura
Geof's story has been written to illustrate the work of the auric colours in daily life. A new chapter every week.
Auric Colours And You are papers giving a basic description of some of the auric colours in the aura.
Search Our Texts
A search is available through all the texts on the website.
Dream Search
Dreams can also be explored through another search which accesses over 300 symbols.
As our work is a work of love, our policy is to provide our services free of charge. Our life is entirely dedicated to this project and we rely upon the support and appreciation of our students to carry on spreading the Word.
Happy reading.