The Golden Bowl
Perhaps one of the most wonderful results of sincerely learning of the Spirit is that we begin to see with our inner eyes. These eyes are part of the inward body not the matter self. While we are constantly focussed on all that we want and our likes and dislikes, our inner eyes remain tightly shut. By learning to unclutter our mind of these things our eyes start to open, and we can from time to time see colours in the room, in the air about us. When seeing colour around people it is known as the aura.
The colour that I speak of is not on the earth level. That is why it is rarely seen or sensed except by those who raise their consciousness by learning to be tolerant and kind. Even then an over-active brain can get in the way, and I have known some truly sincere people wait years before seeing anything. But what happiness and joy they feel when they finally do see colour.
When first hearing of the aura I imagined it would be possible to read a person's exact thoughts from seeing the colours about them. The reality is quite different, which is perhaps just as well, for the colours show more of what a person is feeling than what they are thinking. And how they react to their feelings depends very much on their individual free will.
This truth was brought home to me by an episode involving my brother. Whilst giving clairvoyance at a spiritualist meeting he went to speak to someone in the congregation and saw that their aura was black. Being careful not to say this in public, he waited to talk to them after the meeting had finished. They admitted they were contemplating suicide, but by opening up to my brother it gave him the opportunity to persuade them otherwise.
It might be thought that all mediums can see auras, but as it happens this is not the case. The majority of mediums work only on a psychic level, which is limited to the earthy planes of the Astral. Seeing colour, especially the brighter colours that represent peaceful, harmonious feelings, relies on the mind reaching much higher than the Astral.
Today, the desire to talk about and know the truth of these things seems far less prevalent than when I was young. The urge now is to uncover material truth; what did or didn’t happen, who was responsible, who was implicated, who said this or that. Of course these things do have a value where injustice is addressed and wrongs are set right. What is unfortunate is that people stop there and avoid looking within themselves; to see where causes in one’s personal life start, to learn how to set one’s feelings in order, and to give off brighter colours in the aura, not only building light within the soul but radiating it outwards and blessing others.
Since ancient times, people considered as spiritually advanced have been depicted with a halo, a band of light or gold around their head. And in the biblical book of Ecclesiastes you will find the saying: Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken… then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. (Ecclesiastes 12: 6–7). The silver cord connects the inner self to the earth body until the point of death when the earth life is finished. The golden bowl refers to the halo, the glowing, golden aura of one who endeavours to maintain a warmth of character and an understanding nature. I was fortunate enough to see this during a healing session for one of our patients. She had gone on the healing bed after a prolonged lack of energy and difficulty in breathing. This is what I saw clairvoyantly during meditation:
A nurse stood watching a doctor working on the patient's head. After a time I saw vividly a golden bowl. In it was a heap of cotton-like threads which had been removed from the brain. These quickly dissolved away leaving the golden bowl as a bright, pure vessel. I heard someone say that the patient's golden bowl would not be broken.
The following day the patient reported feeling much improved, and the day after that even better. The writer of Ecclesiastes did not know, as we do now, that God does not give the life force, but is the life force in each one. After death an individual retains their aura and the soul light they have built up, so once having earned the golden bowl it need never be broken.
Only we can build up the light for ourselves. Following a religion is not necessary, for every day gives the opportunity to be thoughtful, patient, and understanding of others. It is never too late in life to commence looking at oneself so as to clarify and brighten our feelings and our aura. But neither is it wise to put it aside until later, lest the things of the earth blot out our desire to learn and to make progress.
Author: Colin