Published: Tuesday 4th of April 2023
Why Me?
When everything is going well in life and we are happy we would never ask this question, 'Why Me'?
What happens when things start going wrong? For example: we lose a parent, sister, brother, friend, associate. We hurt so much we wish we could die! Or, we lose our job. How are we going to pay the rent, put food on the table, support our children, do the things we love to do.
Perhaps we go through a very painful divorce. Everyone else seems to succeed and be happy - but we are not. Why? We have fear, we lack confidence, we don't feel good enough, we think we just cannot do it, we don't know how to do it. All sorts of things go through our mind until we become miserable and depressed and must try to find a way out.
Drinking, drugs, gambling, sex, suicide. We try doing all sorts of things to avoid doing the one thing that will really help us.
We need to change.
But to do this we have to be ready to learn about our emotions, good and bad To accept that we are not perfect, which seems an enormous task. We get so comfortable in our routine we don't want to make that effort to change, or it could be our false pride that we allow to stop us.
It is a strange thing that happens when we are really at rock bottom not knowing which way to turn. We are then at our most vulnerable but also most sincere in our wanting to change.
If we are sincere in wanting the truth it does not matter how bad we have been we are never condemned to hell like some people believe.
There is a very good reason why we are here on earth and that is because every single person who is on earth is here because they need to change. We have all done something that we are not proud of, so we all have something in common. Therefore we should never, no never, judge another.
Life simply put is cause and effect. Whatever tiny little thought that comes into the brain is attracted to the feelings we hold within, which are then encouraged to be acted upon. So whatever thought, no matter how small, like the weed, it grows and becomes a cause started. No discernment is used, just the desire to do. Automatically we then, sooner or later have the effect. It may take many years and we may think it is forgotten but the effect will most certainly come. So there is really no need to ask that question if we are ready for the truth.
Our website is there for anyone who is ready, willing and able to learn.
The reward will bring harmony between body and mind and a wonderful peace will reside.
Author: Denise