Published: Sunday 25th of February 2024
Saying Thank You
How often do you hear people say that they wished they could have told someone they loved them, or thanked them properly, before that one passed over. It is perhaps surprising to discover that we can speak to those who have left the earth when we are asleep. Only a few days ago I had the following vivid dream:
I was in a hospital, sat at a desk writing a letter. The letter was to Gladys, from whom I learned everything I know of the Spirit. After finishing the letter I went to a small ward where Gladys was lying in one of the hospital beds. She only had one pillow, so I found two extra pillows and plumped them up so she could sit up comfortably in bed. She remarked that I needed to give it a bit more oomph, just like my efforts to serve other people needed more oomph! I sat on the bed and we talked. Then I gave her a folder of some sort with my letter inside it. With a lump in my throat I said, "Thank you for teaching me. I'm not sure if it (the teaching) penetrated." She replied, "Yes, it did." After hearing those words I woke up.
I came back from the dream feeling a deep well of happiness from having been able to speak with my teacher. But as with most dreams there were details that needed thinking over, such as the letter. Once awake I had no idea what I'd written. I expect it was similar to letters I exchanged with Gladys when she was still alive to the earth, giving news of what was happening in our lives, especially with the work of the Spirit. The point worth noting is that during sleep we can still communicate by letter with one who is passed over. Of course it is occasionally possible to visit them in the place where they continue to live, (and I have been privileged to do that), but at other times a letter can keep us in touch. The idea that someone who passes from earth into a significantly higher plane can easily drop back down to our earthy level is erroneous. This idea comes in part from mediums who give messages from people passed over in places nearer the earth, with whom it is easier to make contact though not always advisable.
But why would I write a letter before going to where Gladys lay in a hospital bed? The answer is that I was seeing her as I remembered her just before she died to the earth. In dream state this is possible, to go back in time as it were, to give us a chance of saying what we meant to say but never did. For me it was to give my heartfelt thanks for all that she taught me over the years, so small wonder it brought a lump to my throat. In her present state she would know what I said in the dream and be able to read my letter. I couldn't ask for more.
Now we come to where Gladys said that my efforts needed more oomph. Even what we think of as nice dreams can offer suggestions as to how to change ourselves for the better. The dream will rarely tell us exactly what to do, but quite plainly there is something with the work of the Spirit that I need to pay attention to. This may be to do with the second book of my own experiences being currently on hold, or it may be more to do with my personal efforts to build up the soul light. I will continue to look into what lies behind the words that were said to me.
Dreams are what connect us with our inner life and life beyond the earth plane. By learning to understand our dreams we increase our understanding of the power of the mind for good or for bad. It is in our own hands to increase the good and so find happiness.
Author: Colin