Published: Monday 25th of March 2024
Who doesn't have secrets?
The thing is, we are never taught that secrets are harmful. Our dear teacher Gladys told us that if we had a secret it was because we wanted to hide something from someone. This could be very harmful to others who have no idea what we are holding inside.
We could be planning to get revenge on someone. We could be spreading gossip about someone. We could be planning to be better than someone else because we feel the need to be number 1.
It does not matter what we are hiding from someone, there is always someone close from the spirit world who will know of our desire. To destroy someone else, to be better than someone else, to take credit for someone else's work. Those from the lower planes of life have unfulfilled desires that match the secret of someone on earth and think they can easily use them to get their own way.
During sleep the plan is hatched out and next day starting to be put into action. We could regret very much our actions, letting desires take over, BUT we could easily put things right.
By being open and honest, by getting rid of the feeling that we need to be better than someone else is like having complete release from a burden.
When we make effort to get rid of any dark feeling that holds us back, we begin to have harmony with body and soul. More importantly we have harmony with family and friends. We no longer feel the need to keep secrets.
Author: Denise