
Published:   Monday 13th of May 2024

Our precious Earth

What does it take for us to value the world we live in? Wars, famine, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, violence, greed, hate, the list goes on.
What is happening, we might ask ourselves when violent storms do untold damage.
Closer to home. Why do we suffer so much when someone close passes over?  Or there is a divorce, or we lose our job or our home.
Does it not make us question what is happening in our world.

It is usually when it affects us personally, when we have some kind of disaster in our lives, that we may start asking the question why.

It appears that we are the most sincere when we have suffered.  That we really want to know what it is all about.  Why are we on the earth?

Our earth is the one and only place where people come from all levels of life, good and bad.  We learn from the example, starting from when we are babies watching our parents.  All through life we see examples of love and hate, anger and peace, patience and impatience, jealousy and covetousness etc. We have free will to chose how we live.

We have all been on this earth many times, sometimes increasing the good and sometimes darkening our aura.  So what is the purpose? 

Our earth is a stepping off stone to higher or lower planes of life, according to how we live.  We pass to another plane of life with what we have built up for ourselves.  There is no judge and jury saying you go to hell, you go to heaven.  Life is simply cause and effect.  We reap what we sow.

We may never be ready to admit our faults, so we waste our time on earth.  But who really wants to come back here as our planet becomes darker and darker.

We might think it could be worse.  An example of the lower planes of life.  One who holds violence in their heart before passing will go to a plane of life exactly the same as everyone else.  We could not imagine how horrible it would be, it would be a living hell!

This is just a brief summary more can he found on our website, but I pray we will all begin to understand we must value our earth, but to do that we must value ourselves and recognize it is our actions that are spoiling our earth.  It's time we did something about it!

Author: Denise

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