Published: Monday 10th of June 2024
Becoming More Flexible
A sleep state where I was at an outside stall. It had an array of mobile phones. There were mainly bright red ones and a few lovely bright blue ones. The red ones denote strength, but the blue also has a positive meaning which is the ability to hold quietness under all conditions.
This is very helpful when choosing a course of action, not getting upset if things don't go exactly to plan. Since that dream I've found I'm more flexible to occurrences because of the quietness held, which allows the inner self to help through the still small voice within.
The phone shows the possibility to communicate with others on a different plane of life; maybe family or friends who have passed over that one has a rapport with.
A follow up to an earlier blog. I believed I had cleared from the subconscious gambling urges. Once again, I found I was playing a one-armed bandit. One small win then many losses. A young lady came to me and led me by the hand away. I went willingly and did not look back. I am grateful for her help and bless her.
One often has episodes of the past that need to be fully cleared up to bring relief to oneself.
Author: Paul