Published: Monday 24th of June 2024
Making peace to be at peace.
Is there anything from the past (yesterday and as far as our childhood) that is present in our mind and is disturbing the self? Maybe we've been pushing it under the carpet instead of facing it and sorting it out.
We know now it is always positive and to our advantage to sort these out, because peace is a state of mind and it can only come from within. If we are always battling inside, in our feelings with something we felt hurt, perhaps something we resented, it will always follow us through life if left unsolved. There are things that we might not remember at the moment but can come out in a form of negative reaction if triggered by an event or circumstance of life.
We don't need to run after any or everybody who are involved in our trouble. Perhaps they are not ready to apologise, maybe they are not aware of what it has caused to us, and they might not have meant to hurt us. It might not be possible to talk and to express our feelings to the one, maybe they don't understand or don't want to understand so it could lead to emotions, to animosity, and anger can and will make things worse. Maybe they are not going to accept their wrong, or maybe they didn't mean any wrong and it is simply that we are the one who took it completely in the wrong way. Trying to convince them they are wrong and we are right, this way we just worsen the problem, which becomes now even heavier in our mind. Are we at peace in these conditions? No, and even the possibility to feel a bit of peace is gone dead.
We come now with the expression of looking at ourselves in the mirror. It doesn't mean we are bad or wrong, it simply means we accept that we are not perfect and it gives us the chance to discover something of ourselves we were possibly not aware of. What a positive attitude as we are now on the way to solve something and that's allowing peace to start or grow stronger within. After all, it doesn't matter who was right or wrong, what matters is our own feelings, it's our own peace. Why loosing one's peace, we are the one that in feeling war inside ends up struggling in every moment of life. We are then affected and it shows in our character, friends might gradually distance themselves from us. Accusing someone for hurting us doesn't help, it worsens the problem, and we could be mistaking. Why loosing peace on something that we don't have to accept? We don't have to accept words or anything from anyone, but we need to have an open mind and to have sincerity so we can learn whatever needs to be learned without taking any hurt.
Disregard what people do and think, it is what we do for our feelings that counts. We can accept that people think differently from us and that they have a reason why they think that way, just the same as it is for us. Our way of thinking has value and we should realise that the way of thinking can and will likely change through future experiences of life.
So now, if we are sincerely ready to clear those feelings, life can offer to us circumstances where we are given the chance to do it. We can be questioning "how will I know?" but we must not worry about it, we simply have to be positive and be sincere. We can tell ourselves: "Now that's enough with my resentment against that person, the past is the past, so let's move on." Once really clear inside there might be an unexpected meeting with that person and without planning, things come out gently and naturally. Maybe this will never happen, there is more than one way it can be solved. It can happen in our sleep, yes indeed, in our sleep. Did you know every time we go to sleep, our inner body leaves the physical body and that inner body is led by our feelings (the subconscious mind)? It means that our sincerity will make it possible to clear the problem in our sleep. The same can also happen that someone comes to us inwardly to apologise, or to help us through our efforts.
Recently when I was in bed at the moment I was deeply quiet, just before going completely asleep, in my head I heard a voice saying, "I am very sorry!" Now, I was not thinking about something in particular, I didn't have in mind anything of the past that was not cleared, but maybe unconsciously. One thing sure, afterwards, I felt very good about it as I know something good had just happened. I did not know what it was all about, or who it could be, as it could even be from someone I knew in the past and might not be on earth any more. I would have liked to know but not seeking the answer, it is not necessary to know. The importance is something was needed and it happened, and it can only be good as something was cleared. It might have been needed for me, but it could also have been a need for that person, simply and only. When this happens, it is important and good to bless what happened and, like in this case, the person who came to apologise as well; it helps everybody concerned.
We can all have experiences related with our inward part of the self. We all have the possibility to have dreams (also called sleepstates), and even visions. Not only that, but we can also hear a little voice in our head when we are so quiet, just before falling completely asleep.
So, to be at peace, we've got to make peace. We can only benefit from it, and nobody can do it for us.
Author: Daniel