Published: Monday 8th of July 2024
When we think of school we think of the institutions of learning, from nursery school, primary school, senior school then university. All geared for teaching us, we used to say, the 3 r's, reading, writing and arithmetic.
All with the same aim, presumably to make us ready for a job with lots of money, lots of prospects, good holidays and a secure pension.
The school we are talking about is not the same at all.
When we come to the earth, we come for a reason, and that is to learn something very different. Love, peace, patience, tolerance, compassion, and a contented heart. Feelings that we have all chosen to forget in our fight to make our way. We would rather be impatient, intolerant, judgmental, angry, sad, depressed, jealous etc.
None of these darker shades bring inner peace and harmony.
The earth is the only plane of life where there are people of all kinds, some with good feelings and some with bad. We learn from very young from the example of others and either choose our way, good or bad. The bad may seem to be the way, but it would never bring the light of the soul, which we need to build up again.
No one likes to think they are not perfect, but we have all made mistakes in the past. Sometimes in this lifetime and sometimes in many lives past. It's easy to lose our peace when we don't get our own way. It's easy to feel sorry for ourselves when things go wrong. But through our own causes which we start, we have the effect sooner or later.
When we stop blaming other people, or circumstances in life or God, when we are ready to look in the mirror and see ourselves for what we truly are, and to change, we are really ready to progress.
Simply by asking to learn, in our sleep at night we can go to schools in the higher planes of life and learn to be patient again, to be kind again, to be a better person. During the day, by putting into practise, all we have been taught we begin to bring light to our soul.
When our soul begins to waken, we begin to be more at one with ourselves. We feel like a big sack of potatoes has been lifted from our back. Other people notice the change in character and sometimes even ask what happened to us. We may begin to help someone else then to find their way!!!!
Author: Denise