Published: Monday 2nd of September 2024
No one can say they do not have desires. But what kind of desires are they. Have you ever followed a desire to see the result of it? We might not admit our desire, we may not be aware of it, but it's there.
For example: A mother would love to have a bigger house. It starts with a thought, until it becomes a desire, and she starts suggesting to her husband that they could really do with a bigger house. It nags at her, and she then starts nagging her husband and showing him pictures of beautiful houses, suggesting that he could have a man cave where his friends could come. He is then hooked and they start looking. It's not long before he realizes they cannot afford it unless he gets a part-time job in the evening, but it would be nice if the children had a play area of their own.
They get the house, they are very happy for a while until she realizes she hardly ever sees her husband, and he now never has time to play with the children, and he goes to bed exhausted.
She thinks back and realizes she was far happier in the little cosy home they had. What desire will come next?
Example 2
A man desires to be the top man in the business. There is a man who has been with the firm a long time, is very loyal and well liked. The new man convinces the boss it is time for the other man to go, he's too slow and too old! The dirty deed is done. It's not long before the new man doesn't really want the top job, it's too much like hard work. So he is unhappy and another desire takes its place. Who knows who he is going to hurt next.
There doesn't seem to be any justice in this world!
But it is written "The first shall be last, and the last shall be first". It is the natural law, that people get what they deserve. It means that people who push themselves forward, thinking they are better than someone else will be in for a rude awakening because they will find the quiet unassuming man who quietly goes around helping other people and not getting any reward, will find his reward, maybe not in this world, but when passing over will find the most heavenly place to live in.
It is the natural law of cause and effect. So, the moral of the story! We need to watch our desires before we act. Are they worthy. Can we discern if they are good for us and for everybody else? We can always be wise after the event wishing we had never done that thing. But would it not be wonderful if we did not have to go through such trauma.
It is possible to be wise. We just need to think before we act and ask ourselves if the particular thing would be good for everybody. Dreams and visions can be a very good guide if we want the truth, thus avoiding a lot of the pitfalls we can find ourselves in.
Author: Denise