Published: Wednesday 16th of August 2023
How many of us think about our reactions? When we react to something, we can quite easily be impatient, thoughtless, cruel, jealous, angry, intolerant, untruthful etc.,
We don't think before we speak and very often hurt someone we love. We don't mean to but the emotion is too strong. Why is that?
Most of us are not aware that we have been on the earth many times. Each time we can use good feelings of love, compassion, truth, sincerity, patience, tolerance etc. But we can also use the bad feelings!
We come to earth for the sole purpose of ridding the harmful emotions from within us. Because they have been used before, they are quite easy to bring into play again and again.
Why should it be so difficult to be loving when someone is unkind to us. It's because we have to learn to react with love to each and every situation. It is said, 'When all the world is at war, and we are still remaining at peace, we have won the battle'.
In order for us to find heaven when we leave the earth, we have to have it within us before we go. The natural law of cause and effect. Start something good within and good will be returned a thousand times stronger.
Every time we replace a bad feeling with something good a miracle happens! Our soul wakes up. To find out more, visit our website.
Author: Denise